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Glenn Langenburg
Phone: 651-206-3198
Email: [email protected]
Biography / Curriculum Vitae
Glenn Langenburg is a certified latent print examiner and owner of Elite Forensic Services, LLC. Previously, he worked at the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension for 18 years (13 in the Latent Print Section and 5 as Supervisor of the Drug Chemistry Section). He also has experience with crime scenes and bloodstain pattern evidence; he was certified as a general criminalist by the American Board of Criminalistics. Glenn has a Ph.D. in Forensic Science from the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. His thesis, “A Critical Analysis and Study of the ACE-V Process”, focuses on decision-making and the application of ACE-V by fingerprint experts. Glenn has lectured and hosted workshops nationally and internationally at forensic science conferences in the United States, Australia, Canada, and Europe on topics including Daubert issues, research, probabilistic approach, error rates, and fingerprint methodology. He has published numerous research articles in peer reviewed journals. Glenn had the privilege of serving the fingerprint community as a member of SWGFAST (Scientific Working Group for Friction Ridge Analysis, Study, and Technology) for 10 years. He has a weekly podcast on fingerprint issues with co-host Eric Ray called the Double Loop Podcast.
Curriculum Vitae
- University of Lausanne, Switzerland; Ph.D. Forensic Science, 2012
- University of Minnesota, M.S. Analytical Chemistry, 1999
- Michigan State University, B.S. Forensic Science, 1993
- Aug. 2012 – present:
- Elite Forensic Services, LLC; forensic fingerprint consultant and professional trainer
- Sep. 2013 – Oct. 2018 :
- Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Forensic Science Laboratory, Drug Chemistry Section, Supervisor
- Jan. 2000 – Sep. 2013:
- Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Forensic Science Laboratory, Latent Print Section
- Jan. 2003 – May 2010:
- Metropolitan State University, Community Faculty
- Sep. 2003 – May 2005:
- Hamline University, Adjunct Faculty
- June 1995 – Jan. 2000:
- Pace Analytical Inc./3M Environmental Laboratory, Research Chemist
- May 1993 – Sept. 1993:
- Dundee Royal Infirmary Dept. of Forensic Medicine, Toxicology Summer Internship
- International Association for Identification (IAI)
- National and Minnesota Division membership (since 2000)
- Canadian Identification Society (CIS) (since 2002)
- Midwest Association of Forensic Scientists (MAFS) (since 2003)
- Elected member to SWGFAST (Scientific Working Group for Friction Ridge Analysis, Study, and Technology) (Feb 2004 – Aug 2014)
- Fingerprint Society (U.K.), fellow status (2006-2010)
- IAI Committee—Standardization II Committee (2008-2010)
- NIST-NIJ Committee—Expert Working Group on Human Factors in Latent Print Analysis (2008-2011)
- Status as a certified latent print examiner (IAI) granted May 2003
- Status as a certified fellow of criminalistics (ABC) 2011-2020
- Editorial review board for Journal of Forensic Identification (since 2006)
- Distinguished Member of the IAI Award (2007)
- Recipient of Inaugural IFRG “Roland Menzel Award” (2007)
- Ethics Committee for MAFS (2006-2010)
- MAFS “New Scientist Award” (2002)
- Minn. DPS Forensic Science Lab Service Recognition Award (2002)
- MAFS Latent Print Section Coordinator (2002-2011)
- Deininger, L; Francese, S; Clench, M.R; Langenburg, G; Sears, V; Sammon, C. Investigation of infinite focus microscopy for the determination of the association of blood with fingermarks. Science & Justice, 2018; 58:397-404.
- Dror, I; Langenburg, G. “Cannot Decide”: The Fine Line Between Appropriate Inconclusive Determinations Versus Unjustifiably Deciding Not To Decide. J Forensic Sci, 2018; online, doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.13854.
- Langenburg, G. Addressing potential observer effects in forensic science: a perspective from a forensic scientist who uses linear sequential unmasking techniques. Australian J of Forensic Sci, 2017; online, doi: 10.1080/00450618.2016.1259433.
- Liu, S; Mi, Z; Langenburg, G; Wu, J. Accuracy and reliability of feature selection by Chinese fingerprint examiners, Forensic Sciences Research 2017, 2:4, 203-209, DOI: 10.1080/20961790.2017.1375449
- Patel, E.; Cicatiello, L.; Langenburg, G.; Francese, S.; et al. A proteomic approach for the rapid, multi-informative and reliable identification of blood. Analyst 2015, doi: 10.1039/c5an02016f.
- Langenburg, G.; Hall, C.; Rosemarie, Q. Utilizing AFIS searching tools to reduce errors in fingerprint casework. For Sci Intl 2015, 257, 123-33.
- Neumann, C.; Champod, C.; Yoo, M.; Genessay, T.; Langenburg, G. Quantifying the weight of fingerprint evidence through the spatial relationship, directions and types of minutiae observed on fingermarks. For Sci Intl 2015, 248, 154-171.
- Langenburg, G; Bochet, F; Ford, S. A Report of Statistics from Latent Print Casework. Forensic Policy & Management: An International Journal, 2014, 5 (1-2), 15-37, doi: 10.1080/19409044.2014.929759.
- Langenburg, G. The consideration of fingerprint probabilities in the courtroom. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2013, doi: 10.1080/00450618.2013.784360.
- Langenburg, G; Hall, C. Friction Ridge Skin: Comparison and Identification in Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science. Eds Jamieson, A; Moenssens, A; John Wiley: Chichester. doi: 10.1002/9780470061589.fsa355.pub2. Published 15th March, 2013.
- Praska, N; Langenburg, G. Reactions of latent prints exposed to blood. Forensic Sci Intl, 2013, 224, 51-58.
- Langenburg, G. A Critical Analysis and Study of the ACE-V Process. PhD thesis, Ecole des Sciences Criminelles / Institut de Police Scientifique, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland, 2012.
- Langenburg, G., Champod, C., Gennessay, T. Informing the Judgments of Fingerprint Analysts Using Quality Metric and Statistical Assessment Tools. Forensic Sci Intl, 2012, 219 (1-3), 183-198; doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2011.12.017.
- Neumann, C; Langenburg, G, et al. Operational benefits and challenge of the use of fingerprint statistical models: a field study. Forensic Sci Intl, 2011, 212, 32-46.
- Langenburg, G; Champod, C. The GYRO System—A Recommended Approach to More Transparent Documentation. Journal of Forensic Identification 2011 61 (4), 373-384.
- Mnookin, J., Langenburg, G, et al. The Need for a Research Culture in the Forensic Sciences. UCLA Law Review, 2011, 58 (3), 725-779.
- Langenburg, G. Scientific Research Supporting the Foundations of Friction Ridge Examinations”, Chapter 14 in The Fingerprint Source Book; Eds.: McRoberts, A; Fitzpatrick, F., U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, Washington, D.C., 2011.
- Langenburg, G., Champod, C., Gennessay, T. Jones, J. Informing the Judgments of Fingerprint Analysts Using Quality Metric and Statistical Assessment Tools, Summary Report to the Midwest Forensics Resource Center. Midwest Forensic Resource Center (MFRC) Research and Development Program Summary, 2010, November, 42-44.
- Dror, I, Langenburg, G., et al. Cognitive issues in fingerprint analysts: inter- and intra-expert consistency and effect of a ‘target’ comparison. Forensic Sci Intl, 2010, 208, 10-17.
- Langenburg, G. Friction Ridge Skin: Comparison and Identification. In Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science, eds. Jamieson, A; Moenssens, A. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, U.K., 2009.
- Langenburg, G; Champod, C; Wertheim, P. Testing for potential contextual bias effects during the verification stage of the ACE-V methodology when conducting fingerprint comparisons” J Forensic Sci 2009, 54 (3), 583-590.
- Langenburg, G. A performance study of the ACE-V process: A pilot study to measure the accuracy, precision, repeatability, reproducibility, and biasability of conclusion resulting from the ACE-V process, J Forensic Identification 2009, 59 (2), 219-257.
- Langenburg, G. Deposition of Bloody Fingermarks” J Forensic Ident. 2008 58 (3), 355-389.
- Langenburg, G. Letter to Editor re: Saks and Koehler “The Coming Paradigm Shift in Forensic Science”, Science, 3 Feb 2006, vol 311.
- Langenburg, G. A Report of Latent Print Examiner Accuracy During Comparison Training Exercises” J Forensic Identification 2006, 56 (1), 55-93.
- Langenburg, G. “Ask the Expert” column for Scientific American, 292 (5), May 2005.
- Langenburg, G. Pilot Study: A Statistical Analysis of the ACE-V Methodology—the Analysis Stage,” J Forensic Identification 54 (1), 2004, 64-79.
- Langenburg, G. Defense Against the Dark Arts: Defending Against the Critic’s Curse, The Chesapeake Examiner 2003, 41, Spring volume.
Cedric Neumann, Ph.D.
Looking to host “From Fingerprint Individualization to Fingerprint Statistics: Statistics Applied to ACE-V” Course? Contact Cedric Neumann at [email protected]